Kanpai – The Kyokushin Way

Image via www.dragonballclub.net
Yesterday, we had a kanpai; a practice that is strong in Kyokushin karate. It is the only time when shihans, senseis and sempais allow kohais (juniors) to consume alcohol.

Kanpai, like Sayonara, is an essential component of karate. It is when the rivalry ends and the friendship begins. Unfortunately, I've noticed that the practice is strong in Papua New Guinea (PNG).

We had a couple of beers and shared pizza while talking about the recent PNG Games that we attended as officials and athletes. It was post-mortem and a bonding session rolled into one.

Sempai Bernard Soari told us about the kanpai they used to have after international tournaments. He regaled us with stories of how uchi-deshis could not refuse food or drink from their seniors or how they used to have eating competitions after the world tournaments – the rest of the world versus the Japanese.

The other sempais, Samson and Sailas, also thanked the athletes and students for their performance and helping out in preparation for the games. They also encouraged the students to train harder for the national tournament next year.

Also, we are having our grading soon and the actual date will be announced on Wednesday. I could soon be advancing and another step closer to a shodan.



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