How My Journey with Kyokushin Karate Started

Me at the Boroko dojo (closed)
This was at the Boroko dojo back in 2008.
I guess you could say it was either fate that led me to Kyokushin Karate back in 2007.

I had just joined the public service workforce and was getting paid double the salary from my previous and short, I might add, (1 month) job – and with less expenses than I have now - it became a recipe for disaster.

By the middle of the year, clubbing had become a regular habit which led me into a number of rather embarrassing and scandalous situations. Anyway, after spending a Friday night in the police cells one time, I got the sudden urge to change. I knew if it continued I would get into much deeper trouble.
Unfortunately, this was easier said (and thought) than done.

For the next few weekends, I stayed at home, rarely venturing out on a Friday night. However, it got to a point that I became restless so I needed to find something to do.

One Monday afternoon, while taking a stroll through Boroko, I saw a flyer advertising the opening of a new Kyokushin Karate dojo and classes. The classes were held at Garden City complex on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 6pm till 7:30pm with drop off provided after.

Later that evening, around 5:45pm, I walked back to the complex and entered through a side entrance directly into the dojo. There were a few people there already, mostly newbies like myself.

When classes started I jumped in immediately. I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt at the time but I so desperately wanted to start training that I hopped right in. Sempai Samson Benroy was leading the class into warmups and a few minutes later Sensei Wally showed up and took over.

The rest is history. However, the hardest part was actually making an effort to go there. I had butterflies and felt a sort of panic when I first went. I was going in as a novice, with no knowledge of what was to come or what to do and it scared me.

Fortunately, after that first class I sort of feel right in.

Anyway, it has been more than 6 years since I joined and there are no regrets…well, maybe I should have started earlier…but as they say, better late than never.



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