
Showing posts from 2015

Slacking…a Bit from Training

In September we host the Kyokushin national titles. However, I’ve been slacking from training ever since I returned from China a couple of weeks ago. This is mainly due to me moving to another location at the outskirts of the city. Yes, I’m no longer living within the city. We’ve actually moved to Taurama, near Dove Funeral Home, and it’s a nice place, its quiet and a breath of cleaner air. However, the roads are terrible and I can’t drive there to leave the wife in the afternoons and then return for training. It’ just too expensive. Now, I’m making arrangements with a relative to buy some land and build a house within the city. However, there are a number of pressing issues I need to sort out before this happens so in the meantime training will be put on hold.

My First Full Contact Tournament

Last weekend was the first I ever competed in a full contact tournament despite training for almost 7 years. This is mainly due to the fact that there has not been any formal competition since I started learning Kyokushin which was mainly due to the soured relationship between Sensei Wally and Sempai Bernard. That was rectified and for the first time in nearly a decade, the two hosted a tournament as a symbol of their reconciliation. It was a must attend and compete event for me. I did not do well in kumité and injured my big toe seconds into the fight. Of course, that is the only injury I had besides a few small bruises. However, I did bag a gold in my division for kata which is extra special because this is the first time that kata has been introduced into our competitions. The loss in kumité has fired me to train harder and try better in the Nationals which is coming up in September. The results of the tournament can be found on the PNG Warrior blog (http://papuaniuginiwa

Full Steam Ahead for 2015

Hello and welcome 2015! I hope you enjoyed the festive break. So it looks like my karate calendar is pretty filled up for this year with tournaments already lined up in January and March, and a grading yet to be announced. It has been announced that the PNG Open Karate Titles will be held on January 24 & 25 and then in March the 1st Kyokushin Weight Category Championships. This will be followed by a grading for our seniors. I believe Sempai Bernard and Sensei Wally (probably with Shihan Cameron) will be grading Sempai Brian and Karl to Shodan level. I might be grading for my 4th kyu (I’m not sure yet). All in all, it seems the year will be hectic for us. Osu!